Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

I have spent the majority of my existence in a chaotic dwelling. The closets were stuffed, the cabinets wouldn’t close, items weren’t put away, and most rooms contained incomplete projects. Unless someone was coming over, that is. The entire family would then assist in making the residence presentable. In retrospect, the issue with congestion was not a lack of awareness or concern. Instead, the issue was that we were never able to get ahead of the clutter or devise a system that would maintain our home clutter-free. No longer is this the case. Today, almost every room in our residence is devoid of life-robbing physical debris. Over the past few years, we have developed a system that functions exceptionally well for our four-member family. And I am confident that you can do the same, regardless of how cluttered your residence may appear.

1) Consider the possibility. Most of us are aware that living in a clutter-free environment is wholly possible. I assume that is why you are interested in this instruction. You are simply seeking assistance to reach your destination. However, some of you are skeptical. Your home has been disorganized for so long that you have given up hope of ever living differently. The initial step in decluttering your residence is to have confidence that it is wholly possible. Realize that you will never reach your goal if you do not believe you can achieve it. Therefore, locate some optimism and take a modest step. Then, try another… then another… then another…

2)  Remove the surplus. Our dwellings are filled with items. When we have an excess of possessions, clutter becomes most noticeable. Conversely, the fewer items we possess, the simpler it is to minimize congestion. The first (and most important) step in maintaining a clutter-free residence is to get rid of the unnecessary items that sap our lives, time, and energy. Find a working definition of debris to assist you with this phase during the process of removing excess. Early on in our voyage, we began to define clutter as a) too much junk in too little space; b) anything we no longer used or adored; or c) anything that contributed to a sense of disorganization. With this as our guiding criterion, we methodically moved from room to room, eliminating everything that met the aforementioned criteria. If you’re looking for interior design ideas, check out these beautiful hotels over at

In some cases, this step is easy:

Drawers crammed to the brim with pointless items (rubber bands, old batteries, or old keys). many articles of apparel that you no longer wear filling your closets. Decorations that have lost their meaning or are no longer relevant. In some circumstances, this stage will demand additional time and attention, specifically: The garage, the cellar, and the mezzanine are all getting extensive makeovers. During the years, amassing a collection of emotional things. Books. The garbage left behind by other members of the household has started to spread into the communal spaces.

The most essential aspect of completing this phase is to begin with small and simple tasks. Start there. As you progress, you will accumulate minor victories. Then, after achieving minor victories, you will be more motivated to tackle the more difficult cases of excess in your minimalist home. Find encouragement in an intermediate step if you are still unsure of your ability to rid your home of unnecessary possessions. Put the items you can’t quite part with in a cardboard box with a date and store it out of sight. Eliminating superfluous possessions is necessary, but it need not be a race. 3) Establish routines for managing your debris. For the majority of my life, I believed that this was the secret to controlling disorder. Simply organize, then tidy, then organize again. But I was mistaken. I was never able to get ahead of the clutter in my home because I had not taken the time to eradicate the surplus in entirety (or in part). No matter what system we attempted to implement, there were simply too many items in a too-small space. Thus, beneficial clutter-clearing habits never had a chance to develop. Therefore, do not neglect the removal phase; it is crucial. And the more effort you invest in decluttering, the easier it will be to discover and cultivate habits for better managing the items you keep. Once you have eliminated the excess, you will be better able to identify the behaviors that maintain your living space uncluttered. And once you experience the freedom and stress-free lifestyle of clutter-free living, you will find it simpler to adopt these practices.

Some of the following are daily occurrences: After each supper, the kitchen must be cleaned. Putting items of daily use (clothes, literature, and pets) back in their designated locations. Completing domestic duties in their entirety. establishing a nightly regimen. Some of these practices will focus on specific locations in your home that serve as dumping grounds for debris. Our kitchen counter typically acquires items (mail, assignments) throughout the day, our living room sees a high volume of daily traffic, and one of our bedrooms tends to be somewhat disorganized. Each of these locations requires more time and effort than the others. Some of these behaviors will revolve around seasonal requirements: The seasonal transitions. The need to dispose of excess belongings after the holidays and/or a birthday. Significant life changes (childbirth, new employment) will also necessitate reorientation and adjustment.

Over the years, we have observed that disorder attracts disorder. Once it begins to accumulate, deliberate action is required to remove it. Develop today for your family healthful practices for managing the daily use of household items. Once identified, implementation will be much simpler.

4) Reduce the accumulation of belongings. To consume is to exist. It is unavoidable, particularly in our society and culture. But if the flow of items into our residences can be delayed, clutter can be effectively managed. To decelerate the accumulation of possessions in our residences, we must adopt a new mentality and evaluate our purchases differently. Realize that your purchases cost significantly more than the label price indicates. Each will necessitate time, effort, and resources upon entering your residence. Before you make a purchase, ask yourself the following questions:

Is there a necessity for this item? When I receive this item back to my house, do I have anywhere to put it? How much more effort would this possession require from me over its lifetime? Should I really be purchasing it for these reasons?

This thought process is not intended to prevent you from making future purchases – at least, that is not its purpose. Again, to consume is to exist. However, the purpose of these queries is to foster intentionality in your life. They prompt the realization that some purchases detract more from our lives than they contribute. They enable you distinguish between the two. And delay the accumulation of items that contribute to clutter in your residence and life. Again, it is entirely possible to exist in a residence devoid of clutter. With this straightforward manual, you will be well on your way. As someone who has experienced both lifestyles, I can swiftly attest that once you experience the physical and mental freedom that comes with a clutter-free home, you will make additional efforts to ensure it does not revert to its former state.


By Joseph